Angel & Faith cover issue 7 s9


An earlier version of this cover had been released with a slightly less baked version of Angel's face lol, but the fixed version above is what will see print. I was so caught up  rendering Dru and detailing her dress, that by the time I was coloring Angel, my objectivity was out the window...A little time away remedied the problem though.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer issue 5 s9

Since this was my last issue of Buffy, I decided to go bananas...actually I would have done this cover even if I was scheduled to do more, but I'm glad the last one was the craziest. I wanted to dress her in something that she might ogle over in  a magazine, but would most likely never have the circumstance to wear, as she's not a woman of leisure lol. Beyond the pure aesthetics, the pattern and flow of the dress were good vehicles for seamlessly merging the imagery in the lower half.

Angel & Faith cover, issue 3

This started as a sketch for the cover of issue 1, but Dark Horse chose a different sketch for #1, and decided to use this idea for another cover. You can see on the sketch (if you click though) that the composition had London in the distance with Angel and Faith in a I need to change some elements so that the image looked independent from issue 1.

Angel & Faith Comic Cover Issue 1

Dark Horse posted my Angel & Faith cover, in their WonderCon recap, at long last I'm posting it. I wasn't given any specifics other than the city (London) and the Clock Tower of St Stephens (aka Big Ben) should be under construction (due to its date with a spaceship). There was one other bit of info that they mentioned, after I had finished the drawing...take a guess on what the addition was :)

So I set about creating an issue-neutral image that could still impart back story about the characters.