Cannibal Cyclops


I started an illustrated short fiction horror project with a friend, the project is called Cannibal Cyclops and we’re producing content for the site monthly. I’m using a different style from my regular work, that fits better with the horror genre, and allows me to experiment.


The horror stories will have a range of tones and may include elements of humor, gore, scifi, the supernatural and the occult. We may also experiment with formatting and non-traditional story telling.


Visit Cannibal Cyclops, give us a read and drop us a note about your experience with our content.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer – cover s10 issue 14

This originally started with Buffy walking through an attic, with the background/foreground assembling into a likeness of Spike. I was concerned about how well the likeness would read and decided to switch to the easier route and use a landscape...then going a step further I used a literal likeness of Spike carved into stone.