Cover for Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 10 issue 2


I originally pitched this cover as a more simple version, with the Scoobies standing in a mall parking lot and looking into a sunrise. DH wanted a little more bang to it, mentioning the ending scene of  The Avengers. So this is my version of that scene, with the battle worn gang, taking a quick donut break, while menace encroaches.

Dawn started with wilder eyes, but DH felt she looked too "donut crazy," which was the angle I was going for, but I altered them for a less sugar crazed look.

I'm still getting used to drawing young Giles, I made his hair a little too moppy...he developed an unintentional Eric Forman thing, between the clothing and the hair.

Buffy cover season 10, issue 1

For this first issue of season ten, Dark Horse requested that I do an iconic feeling action scene involving Buffy and a number of zompires/vampires. I really wanted to portray Buffy seeming at the peak of her slaying power, strong and unflinching. I tailored her pose, as I imagined she might look channeling Conan the Barbarian, via Frazetta...and set the action high on the hills, so that I could have a wide expanse of sky as backdrop, framing her, back lit by a bright moon.